Dubai Shopping Festival: A big bag full of records


By Saifur Rahman, Business Editor

Dubai Shopping Festival is a leader in setting world records, having established more than 50 in its 16-year history. These records have raised the profile of the DSF and Dubai among the international community. Following is a list of the world records created during the last 16 editions of the DSF, most of which have been endorsed by Guinness World Records.

The Largest entry. Image Credit: Gulf News Archive
The Largest entry. Image Credit: Gulf News Archive

Records, as they say, are made to be broken. However, some records stand too high and others just stare at them in awe, let alone break them. Dubai — the city of superlatives — appears to be a place that takes its records very high — longest, largest or farthest — and also very seriously. That’s why most of its records still stand.

A world record is usually the best global performance recorded and verified in a specific skill or sport.

While taking account of Dubai’s world record feats, one loses count. It took a while to gather the information, even for the Guinness World Records — the entity that keeps track of all records, to fathom the depth of the matter. More info