RTA holds two awareness workshops for First Aid, kidney patients


Source:  www.rta.ae

They valued the importance of the campaign in familiarizing attendants with numerous & diverse emergency cases, which might happen at any place and any time.

The Dep’t also held another campaign targeting kidney patients in cooperation with the Dubai Hospital under the sponsorship of Hertz International Franchise Co., Western Coast Co., Galadari Driving Center, and Al Ahli Driving Center.

Abdullah Al Mahara, Director of RTA Administrative Services, was pleased to see considerable numbers of RTA male and female employees attending such health-related activity; which is bound to have great dividends, and directly impact their health, life, and daily routines, besides assisting them in performing their duties and undertaking other activities.

Al Mahra reiterated RTA’s commitment to its social, health and service responsibilities towards its employees in a way that secures decent health & living conditions for them, and playing an active role in raising their productivity in keeping with the profile of the RTA amongst various community segments of the UAE, particularly recipients of its diverse services, including public transport means.

“All RTA agencies and sectors are keen on safeguarding the health & safety of their employees and offering them best-in-class health services such as health insurance cards, and running clinics at RTA’s Head Office providing free services to employees during the working hours,” said Al Mahra.

He paid tribute to the assiduous efforts and significant contributions of Zuleikha Hospital and Dubai Hospital in working hand in hand with the RTA to offer RTA employees rich health information, boost their perception of proper health conceptions, and guide them to the best techniques & practices in their daily life, be it during the working hours or daily life outside the official working hours.

The First Aid campaign aimed to preventing the onset of complications and upgrading the caliber of resuscitation procedures. The basics and priorities of the First Aid revolve around attending to a quick & quiet assessment of the case, protecting yourself and the injured from being vulnerable to risks, avoiding exposure to infection from the victim as much as possible, ensuring the safety and safeguarding lives as much as possible, inquiring after the source of the problem to understand its nature, severity, number of victims, seeking the assistance of competent bodies during emergency cases, and providing first aid care in addition to preventing further deterioration of the case.

The Administrative Services Dep’t has also staged another awareness campaign about kidney diseases covering several important aspects with a view to raising the awareness about taking preventative measures against such diseases. It also shed light on the causes of these diseases along with the effective preventive & remedial medical measures. It also focused on the high-risk kidney failure conditions which was well elaborated in the campaign.

RTA employees praised the Administrative Services Dep’t for holding these events which are of great benefit to the public health, and expressed hopes to have such campaigns held on a continuous basis for the sake of maintaining the life, health and peace of mind of employees as well as their family members. More info