Watch where you’re going – Dubai Metro


By M. Aldalou

The Dubai Metro needs no introduction. And as any commuter that’s relied on its services more than once will tell you, it’s quite easy to be caught in a tricky – and sometimes sticky – situation when it’s time to enter or exit the train.

The RTA is currently in the middle of its second phase of ‘increasing signage’ on the metro by plastering conspicuous signs on the ground of the platform itself. As Emirates 247 reports, the signs will soon be displayed in all Red and Green Line locations in the emirate.

Kipp can only assume that this second ‘phase of awareness’ was prompted by the lack of effectiveness of its predecessor.

“This is all part of a larger project and increasing signage on the Dubai Metro,” says Ramadan Abdullah,  Director of the Rail Operation Department of RTA. “With these signs we aim to organise the flow of commuters in a better way.”

That’s the fancy way of saying, we’ve put them up because some commuters clearly need more obvious reminders on the etiquette of allowing people to exit an area before they barge in. Or is that just Kipp talking? If you stare straight ahead, smaller yet similar signs (from the RTA’s first phase) are glued onto the glass doors. If you’re prone to staring on the ground while you wait then they’re there too. You can’t miss them.

Back in 2009, the authority released a list of violations that would merit a fine if committed on the train or platform. And assuming the list hasn’t been updated, Kipp counts 27 different fines including a 300 dirham one for sleeping, a 200 dirham for smoking and another 200 dirham for selling goods or commodities on the train.

Frankly, as a regular commuter on the metro, we’ve never seen anyone caught for selling goods, smoking or even sleeping. The most common violation that I’ve witnessed has been chewing gum. The point is, while increasing signage may help guide – or rather ‘remind’ – some commuters to behave in a safe and decent manner, perhaps implementing stricter consequences for pushy and violent behaviour, and less on bubble gum would do everyone some good. More info